Master DNA

From Biology we learned that the DNA contains the whole declarative configuration of the body of a living creature in a single double helix string. That string lives in every of the 37 trillion cells of our body. Every cell in the body has direct access to that DNA. The DNA contains the declarative code, used to implement functions in the form of different types of proteins (Antibody, Enzyme, Messenger, Structural component, Transport/Storage) which defines the different cell types. That way, the DNA is used in the specialization chain from stem cells to the more than 200 different specialized cell types that are found in the human body from which tissues and organs are build. And within these cells there are about 20 different types of structures or organelles (Elements).


The purpose of implementing the Global DNA object in the Function of UI is the same as in Biology. We want to be able to inject a global declarative configuration object into the application which is accessible from all BIO Component levels. As in Biology, that Global DNA Object contains all the information necessary for creating and styling all BIO Components.


The information that is held in the Global DNA Object is a hierarchical structure of declarative "genes" that determines the structure and looks of all BIO components. The DNA Object should not contain any implementation details, these should be abstracted away in the BIO components. As in Biology, The DNA Object is read-only as far as the BIO components are concerned, but mutable as far as the author is concerned. As in Biology, mutations to the DNA Object are made possible through "genetic manipulation" of the respective "genes".

Our Global DNA Object contains all the genes that are necessary to build the complete BIO Component hierarchy. It is important to carefully craft the DNA Object in such a way that we only expose the genes that facilitates declarative "Genetic Manipulation". All other Information or implementation details should be part of the BIO Component code. That way, by modification of the "genes" in the Global DNA Object we can control how all our components will be built and how they will look.

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